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What is a TOKUTEIGINOU Visa?

特定技能(TOKUTEIGINOU) は,日本で,外国人の方にさらにかつやくしてもらおうと作られた在留資格(ざいりゅうしかく)です。特定技能には,「1号 」の在留資格と「2号 」の在留資格があり,2号の在留資格は1号の在留資格よりも,専門的(せんもんてき)な技能(ぎのう)が必要(ひつよう)です。特定技能で働く(はたらく)ことができ るのは,次の14分野(ぶんや)です。

A specific skill is a status of residence created in Japan to encourage foreigners to play an active role. Specific skills include a status of residence of "No. 1" and a status of residence of "No. 2", and the status of residence of No. 2 requires more specialized skills than the status of residence of No. 1. You can work in the following 14 fields with specific skills.
①介護 かいご(Long-term care) 
②ビルクリーニング びるくりーにんぐ(Building cleaning)
③素形材産業 そけいざいさんぎょう(Raw material industry)
④産業機械製造 さんぎょうきかいせいぞう(Industrial machinery manufacturing)
⑤電気・電子情報関連産業 でんき・でんしじょうほうかんれんさんぎょう(Electrical and electronic information related industries)
⑥建設 けんせつ(construction)
⑦造船・舶用製造工業 ぞうせん・はくようせいぞうこうぎょう(Shipbuilding / marine manufacturing industry)
⑧自動車整備 じどうしゃせいび(Car maintenance)
⑨航空 こうくう(Aviation)
⑩宿泊 しゅくはく(Lodging)
⑪農業 のうぎょう(Agriculture)
⑫漁業 ぎょぎょう(Fishery)
⑬飲食料品製造業 いんしょくりょうひんせいぞうぎょう(Food and beverage manufacturing industry)
⑭外食業 がいしょくぎょう(Restaurant business)

・建設リーダー けんせつりーだー(construction) ※leader
・造船・舶用製造工業リーダー ぞうせん・はくようせいぞうこうぎょうりーだー(Shipbuilding / marine manufacturing industry) ※leader

The total status of residence of TOKUTEIGINOU No. 1 is 5 years, and you can work in Japan. You cannot bring your family, but you will get the same salary as Japanese people. You can also receive Japanese language education and various support from the company.
The status of residence of Specific Skill No. 2 does not have a five-year deadline, and you can bring your family.

To work on a TOKUTEIGINOU visa


To work with a status of residence of a specific skill, you need to take and pass the Japanese Language Examination and each skill examination. 
※Those who have successfully completed the technical intern training do not need an exam. However, if you want to work in another field, you need to pass the technical intern training in the field you work in.
After that, if you get a job offer from the company, you can apply for a status of residence for a specific skill.
東京都港区芝浦一丁目13番10号 第三東運ビル4階